Audio is Coming!

Hello my friends!  I hope all is well, and that the Father is continuing to bless you.  I’ve decided to start publishing my daily audio musings sometime in the future.  I have one recording from 5 years ago when I first contemplated doing a blog, but fear and doubt stopped me from moving forward.  Don’t ever let that happen to you.  Fear of man or circumstances is not of our Father in heaven.  We are to be courageous in the things we do.  Ok, that’s it for now.  My cat is meowing at me to get my attention (for what, I do not know).  Blessings to you, and may you have perfect peace.  Shalom!

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I'm originally from Louisiana, but married a local girl in NE. and that's where I am at the moment. I have a A.S. in Avionics Systems Technology, B.S. in Business Information Systems, and am currently learning code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, and BOOTSTRAP). My interests are primarily Theology, computers, music, video games, drone piloting (flying drones), and most recently coding. With the personality type of INFJ, I delight in discussions about the important things in life... the deeper things. Join me on this journey, and ponder with me about this reality that we live in.